Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Design Presentations

For my design presentation and in honor of the 50th Super Bowl over the weekend I decided to take a closer look into the history of the Super Bowl logos. As I was looking through the logos over the 50 years of this celebrated event I came to find something very interesting from the first forty five logos, to the previous five. The logo itself is a very important part of the Super Bowl its patched on to all the jerseys, displayed on every football that is used, as well as placed on the 50 yard line for everyone to see. The Super Bowl is a recognized world wide event the logo is essentially the identity of the event its what people and fans recognize when they think back on a particular Super Bowl.

The design between the first forty five and the previous five are much different. Looking into the use of contrast in design I feel the first forty five all have so much more uniqueness with their respected colors and orientations. The logos seem to use colors associated with the cities in which the games were played the logos consist of 2 or 3 colors. The use of the colors brings the logos to life the logos with the color are much more aesthetically pleasing to the eye then that of the newer logos which lack any real color. The position of the letters and roman numerals is important in the layout of the logo each has its own uniqueness. The size of the lettering and numbers works in relationship with there positioning within the logo. All of these forms work really well in the design of these logos. The balance within the logos uses the forms of contrast to develop an appropriate look and layout for the pieces used in the logo. I noticed that the logos use symmetrical as well as asymmetrical principles of balance. The older logos do a better job of utilizing the law of similarity as well as proximity in there design. The similar objects are grouped together to create a unique orientation for the logo. The Super Bowl logo from 92 was the one that I liked the most out of the 50 that have been designed. This game was played in Pasadena California at the rose bowl which is why the use of the red roses are presented. The placement of all the pieces that make this logo are in perfect harmony with each other and a symmetrical balance is present. The colors compliment each other from the red and the green to the blue background. The logo itself is much simpler then that of the new ones the use of shape color and orientation in the old compliments the logo much better then the new ones. The new ones have no color but rather they have incorporated shapes that demonstrate the cities that the game is being played. The new logo to me is boring it doesn't portray the uniqueness of the Super Bowl.